One of the very first Crammed bands, Des Airs comprised Bob Vanderbob (aka Bobvan), Stephane Karo (of Taraf de Haidouks fame), Catherine Jauniaux and Fanchon Nuyens (Zap Mama).
Sax/guitar player Bob Vanderbob (who later did 2 albums as Bobvan, and is now a creator of interesting multimedia shows which mix theatre and spatialized sound), singer Catherine Jauniaux (who later moved to New York, got involved in the Downtown improvised music scene and is now a celebrated improv vocalist), singer/bass player Fanchon Nuyens (who later formed Zap Mama with Marie Daulne and co-produced their first album), drummer Stéphane Karo (who would later travel to Romania where he would ‘discover’ and organize the now-famous Gypsy band Taraf de Haïdouks)... these were the four members of Brussels combo Des Airs. They were full of charm, audiences and the press loved them... but they were only together for a couple of years, and only ever recorded one mini-album (one track of which is featured in the Crammed Global Soundclash compilation, a drunken love song written by Peter Cook & Dudley Moore). Bob and Catherine had briefly been involved in Aksak Maboul. All four Des Airs members were good friends of mine, they were part of the group of people who hung out around the small house in rue Paul Lauters, where Véronique and I used to live and where the first Crammed office was located.
(From "The ‘80s According To Crammed - A Diary", the extensive Marc Hollander interview included in the Crammed Global Soundclash boxed set).
Des Airs' only release was the "Lunga Notte" mini-album (1982). They performed as a live band during a couple of years. The band appeared a.o. at several Crammed Discs nights, in Paris, Poitiers, Bordeaux and at the Transmusicales in Rennes.