Taraf de Haidouks & Koçani Orkestar
rehearsing and performing together for the recording of the "Band Of Gypsies" album in Bucarest (dec. 2000)
The Taraf live in the early 90s
performing "Tot Taraful" and featuring the now-deceased Ion Manole, Niculae Neacsu and Cacurica
Romanian Folk Dances
Live recording from the "Maskarada" sessions. Bartok drew his inspiration from Balkan folk music to compose this famous piece in 1915. Taraf de Haïdouks have now repossessed it and given it a wild make-over..
Johnny Depp talks about the Taraf...
how he met them, how he brought Iggy Pop & Jim Jarmusch to see them...
Excerpt from the DVD "The Continuing Adventures Of Taraf de Haidouks"