The follow-up to Zap Mama's hit, eponymous debut album added a more polished, sophisticated and urban spin to the group’s audacious musical mix, while retaining definite roots in traditional music from all around the world (India, Morocco and Australia also got (re)visited this time).
The band's line-up had slightly changed, with Sally Nyollo replacing Cecilia Kankonda. But the core trio of Sabine Kabongo, Sylvie Nawasadio and Marie Daulne (hence "Sab -Syl -Ma") kept performing their magic tricks, all generated by the most wondrous and fundamental of all instruments: the human voice, in all its simplicity, its strength and fragility...
"Sabsylma" was produced in Brussels by Marie Daulne. The tracks were recorded by Jean-Marc Geuens, and mixed by Jean-Marc Geuens, Vincent Kenis and Dan Lacksman.